Category: commentary

  • Unrest in Kisumu

    Here is a riveting account by a missionary in Kisumu, Kenya on January 31, 2008.Dear all, I feel indebted to all of you who have shown interest and concern to at least brief you on some of the details of what happened today. This morning I picked up Evans at 7:00 and took him and…

  • War in Kenya

    What happened in Kenya is that the elections were flawed and there are currently two men who claim to be the rightfully elected President of Kenya. The incumbent (Kibaki) is from the largest tribe in Kenya which are the Kikuyu. The opposition (ODM) is led by a man by the name of Raila. ODM is…

  • Kenya elections

    There was a lot of fear coming up to the elections that the situation would become very volatile and that there would be a lot of violence. But I am writing this on the morning of the second day after and there is not much happening. It looks like the previous president will be “unseated…

  • Bhutto killed in suicide bombing

    Bhutto Killed… (paywall) BBC story Wow, looks like the extremists are not above killing their own countrymen in this perverse way. Of course, I knew that they do stupid stuff like that but it still amazes me. I wonder if the bomber will still get his 70 rewards? He didn’t kill any infidels. It’s amazing…

  • World view of Pres. Bush

    The world thinks that Bush is a gun slingin’ cowboy that wants to have his own way. The witch doctors in Guatemala are planning to purify the ancient site that he is planning to visit, because of the evil spirits that he will bring. Is he really all that? I mean, c’mon guys, do you…

  • Statement of Purpose

    I am starting this blog to give vent to any ideas or frustrations that I may have with with my professional life.